ACA Football Partners hosted Meet&Greet event one day before RISING STAR SINGAPORE final selection. Our CEO Hiroyuki Ono, Chief Football Officer Adrián Espárraga, and KMSK Deinze Academy Director Wouter Artz gave a presentation to introduce project overview and things to expect from RISING STAR project.

Albirex Niigata FC Singapore staff joined the event and we welcomed guests from media, federation, and sports institution to deepen mutual understanding and to discuss future collaboration.

ACAFP CEO: Hiroyuki Ono

ACAFP Chief Football Officer /KMSK Deinze Sporting Director: Adrián Espárraga

KMSK Deinze Academy Director: Wouter Artz

Albirex Niigata FC Singapore Chairman: Daisuke Korenaga

Albirex Niigata FC Singapore Director of Methodology Department: Marçal Trulls Sevillano

(C)Albirex Niigata FC (S)
