Second regular meetings with KMSK Deinze’s core supporters groups took place in July-August. 

This session is held regularly to achieve our mutual understanding between the club and its supporters. Since the first meeting in May, the club has announced lots of news for both business and sporting sides. 

“818” expressed their interest in the new team structure. KMSK Deinze welcomes many players from different countries for this season and some fans show anxiety about it. Serge Beerens, CEO of KMSK Deinze, explained that we are now building up the team in the middle term, not in the short term. He explained that the club is investing in facilities too to make players be able to focus more on football itself. Also Akihisa Iizuka, CSO of KMSK Deinze, explained future plans around our activation with DEA to give them more benefit through playing online games. 

Below are some points which were raised from supporters and we will keep having a mutual conversation for future collaboration within our regular meetings.



July 18th 2022 (818)

Present were:
Akihisa Iizuka – Chief Strategy Officer
Serge Beerens – CEO
Peter De Maertelaere – Press Officer
Mathieu Lootens – Ticketing & Sales Account Manager

Season seat tickets lists : Submit this week from 818 (From Mathieu)

Squad strategy : (From Serge)
Q. Now lots of new foreign players
A. Building the team in middle term, not short term.
A. Different economic conditions between Belgian players and foreign players. Belgian players are expensive sometimes.
A. Investing in football facilities, not only players.

Explanation of the new promotion for the community. Play & Get benefit. (From Aki)
-Showed Job Tribes game and wish lists example
-Explained the promotion scheme



August 17th 2022 (De Blussers)

Present were:
Serge Beerens – CEO
Yu Kaneko – Global communication manager
Céline Mawet – Communication & Marketing manager

On the 17th of august at 18:30, a new meeting with 3 members of ‘De Blussers’ took place in the presidential lounge at the Dakota Arena. The supporters mainly had questions about the breakdown of the ‘O tribune’ and the future plans for the stadium.

・The stadium
Q: What will happen with the O-stand?
A: The new stand with seats will be ready for October 2022
A: The supporter groups will move to the G-stand, in the ‘historical corner’.
A: A temporary roof will be placed to protect against rain and improve sonorizarion.
Q: What canteen to go to?
A: Corgas stays open against Young Genk, Youth canteen will be open and accesible for all. A new tent will be placed to replace the 818-canteen that turned into a fitness for players.

・Attract new supporters/more atmosphere in the stadium
Q: how?
A: With music before and after the game in the youth canteen and the tent.
A: With social media strategy to attract more youth.

・Explanation PlaysiaTV (Yu)

